Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cute Quotes

Here are a few cute quotes from Carter-boy:

"I am nudey everywhere!"

Mom: "Carter, where are you?"
Carter: "I'm peeing in the curtains."
(Right after his bath he normally runs around naked for awhile. Unable to locate him, I asked where he was. After receiving that response, I located him. Sure enough he had wrapped himself up in my bedroom curtain and was, in fact, peeing all over it.)

"Daddy is Jesus."
(This is a serious fundamental misunderstanding which we hope to clear up. However it is pretty cute.)

Upon finding a small piece of plastic on his changing table he informed us, "I throw it down there. I could choke on it."

We went out to breakfast with some friends. The waitress came over to take our drink order. We went around the table and placed our orders, one of which included hot chocolate. Without missing a beat Carter piped up, "I'd like some hot chocolate too!"

1 comment:

  1. So funny! You have your hands full, that's for sure! :)


What we do...well, mostly just what the kids do