Monday, May 25, 2009

The Last Month

I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted. We have been pretty busy. For Mother's Day we decided to do an very impromptu surprise visit to Boise. We just showed up and got some pretty good reactions from our moms. We stayed for awhile and enjoyed some lovely Boise sunshine. My sister Breanna came for a visit the following week. We had a great time. We went to the beach, cooked yummy food, went out to dinner, and talked a lot.

We have started undertaking potty training. Today was day one. So far so good. Besides the accident during breakfast with pee-pee dripping from the high chair to the floor, Carter did pretty well. We started out giving three M &M's for a treat, but had to decrease it to one because the kid peed like every 5 minutes.

We are still looking for a job. We are getting a little discouraged, but trusting God to provide for us. We know that He is faithful and will take care of us. We are very thankful for everyone's prayers.

Here's a few pictures:

Piper and her cousin Jaxon checking each other out.

Carter and Granny

Piper and Nana

A lovely Mother's Day dinner in the Goldsmith lush, park-like yard

Beach Day with Bre-Bre

I put the kids in the tub together for the first time. Carter thought it was great and wanted to wash Piper. Piper wasn't so sure about the whole thing.

What we do...well, mostly just what the kids do