Having two kids is a little crazy. I feel like things are out of control pretty much all the time. And the fact of the matter is that things are out of my control...But I am very thankful that Jesus is in control. Even in all the craziness, it is a lot of fun. It is so sweet to see Carter interact with Piper. I love having a tiny baby to snuggle. I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Well, I am going to have to stop blogging now so I can go take a nap while the babies are down for their naps. Awwww, nap time.....glorious nap time! :)
Carter-boy, enjoying the Goldsmith tradition of raspberry soup for breakfast
Yeah!! I promise I don't always stalk your blog. Respberry soup sounds delicious; you'll have to send me the recipe. LOVE the snow bear. I bet Carter must love the snow. We have some friends that live in Olympia and from what they said, you've had a ton of it lately. Thanks for the update. And adorable baby Piper looks like a brown eyed baby for sure. Her eyes seem too dark to turn out blue. She is so cute!