We had a wonderful Christmas. The Goldsmiths were here for a whole week. All in our little apartment. To most people this would be a nightmare, but we have a ton of fun! We had a white
Christmas which was very fun and very rare for Seattle. So, given the snow (because no one around here plows the roads) and a brand new baby we have not done a whole lot since the family left. I have yet to venture out by myself.
Having two kids is a little crazy. I feel like things are out of control pretty much all the time. And the fact of the matter is that things are out of my control...But I am very thankful that Jesus is in control. Even in all the craziness, it is a lot of fun. It is so sweet to see Carter interact with Piper. I love having a tiny baby to snuggle. I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Well, I am going to have to stop blogging now so I can go take a nap while the babies are down for their naps. Awwww, nap time.....glorious nap time! :)

Carter-boy, enjoying the Goldsmith tradition of raspberry soup for breakfast

A very fun Christmas present, that cannot be ridden unless you are wearing the hat.

Enjoying some tea while watching the snow fall

The snow bear that Andy, Ben and Papa made
Yeah!! I promise I don't always stalk your blog. Respberry soup sounds delicious; you'll have to send me the recipe. LOVE the snow bear. I bet Carter must love the snow. We have some friends that live in Olympia and from what they said, you've had a ton of it lately. Thanks for the update. And adorable baby Piper looks like a brown eyed baby for sure. Her eyes seem too dark to turn out blue. She is so cute!