Thursday, December 17, 2009

We are still here!

We are still here, you wouldn't know if from my blogging though. Our computer crashed and then I got busy with Christmas preparations and here we are...
Let's see, what did you miss?
Car: We finally bought a second car. Yay!
Piper walks: she looks way to tiny but she motors!
Thanksgiving: We had a wonderful time visiting long time friends in Nashville.
My birthday: I turned 25. I'm in my mid-twenties. Yikes! Our friends from Nashville came down and watched the kids for most of the day so that Andy and I could go out. First date in 3 months! Woohoo! I also got a Phil and Ted's double stroller. It's amazing.
Piper's birthday: She is one now! My friend Emilie made a tutu for her, which she wore for her party. She looked so cute. She demolished her cake; dug in with both both hands and snorted it. It was that good.

Right now we are anxiously awaiting my parents and sister's arrival on Sunday. They will be here for two weeks! We are all so excited.

Here we are cutting down our Christmas tree:
(I do not know what to do about this kid's smile. I honestly think he doesn't know how to smile. I have tried giving him lessons, but as you can see it has done little good.)

Eating birthday cake:

My beautiful little one year old:


  1. oh bethy she's such a doll!! thanks for the pictures :)

  2. Thank you for the update and beautiful pictures! Piper's simply gorgeous and it's a joy to see her grow! Love the picture of all four of you.
    Hoping you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas.
    Sending much love :)

  3. Love the tutu! Happy belated birthday to the both of you ( : You'll have to tell me how the Phil and Teds works with Carter...does he like sitting in the bottom? I have been trying to convince Jesse that one of those would be great someday.


What we do...well, mostly just what the kids do