Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Andy!
So, I have decided to give this whole "blogging" thing a try. It seems to be all the rage now days. :)

We celebrated Andy's birthday two weeks ago. It started out pretty good....breakfast in bed....and ended better- a steak that didn't fit on his plate. (I know the way to my man's heart:)

While Andy was receiving his "happy birthday" phone calls Carter was busy snuggling and being just like daddy.

For Andy's birthday we went to West Seattle and did a little exploring. We found a fun pie shop and ate lunch there and then got some tea and walked around. Andy got to go to San Francisco to see his good friend Nate as a birthday present. (Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this possible!). He had a wonderful time. Though he came back a little red. We Seattle-ites aren't used to that much sun apparently.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Andy and Carter laying in bed. That is so cute!


What we do...well, mostly just what the kids do