Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I have never done a post yet comparing both of my kids to see how much they look alike. To make up for the fact that the camera battery was dead when we went to the petting zoo last week (boo!), I will take this opportunity to make the aforementioned post.



Sunday, March 7, 2010


The last couple weeks have been super busy and super fun. Britty and Uncle Benny came for a visit for two whole weeks! We tried to show them the sights around here and keep them busy.

We also celebrated the third birthday of a very handsome young man! Here he is below doing his "birthday" (or age). What a fun crazy little man! Carter-boy facts:
He talks all the time now and asks questions non stop. He comes up with his own words. Two of my favorite are "narbled" (hint: squishing monk's face all up produces this: "Look Mom, Monkey is narbled") "boof" (hint: "I just boofed baby over"). He calls his sister a variation of babe, babers, babes. He brought me flowers of Valentines day. All his own idea. He tells me at dinner (most dinners)- "I really like this food you made". His favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs, which he requested for all three meals on his birthday. He still carries Monk around. Besides his top three (blanky, puppy and monkey) he has added Big Monk, birthday blanket and Christmas Bear to the entourage. He weighs thirty pounds. He does not know how to smile.

Carter-boy, I love you so much. I can't imagine life without you. You are a gift from God. I pray with all my heart that you grow up to be a powerful man of God, who loves Jesus with all his heart.

Some of the highlights from Ben and Britt's visit were Chattanooga:
Ben and Jerry's in Chattanooga:

The Parthenon in Nashville (full size replica, who'd a thunk?):

Opry Mills:
We also visited some caves near here called Cathedral Caverns which were awesome. My camera battery died at that outing, so you will just have to take my word for it.
The weather has been gorgeous lately. I am definately going to like Alabama in the spring. We have been out discovering new trails and various hikes around here. This Sunday we went out and I was finally able to get some decent pictures of the kids. It is sooo hard to get them both looking and smiling and in the picture. I was pretty happy with these.

What we do...well, mostly just what the kids do