Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Carter's Birthday

Carter is two! I can't believe it. We are so thankful to Jesus for such a fun little guy and for two wonderful years with him.

Carter two years ago:

Aunt Britty came this weekend to help us celebrate.

We took Carter to the Children's Museum. He loved it. But the highlight of the day was his present from his friend James...."booty snack". I think he ate the whole bag that day. Hey, it was his birthday!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Carter's Imagination

We are discovering that Carter has quite the imagination. He is always pretending that his food is various kinds of animals. At breakfast he will tell me that his toast is a horse and make it gallop around his tray. Yesterday at dinner he said that tomatoes in his pasta were mice. He would take each one out, snuggle with it, and then eat it.
Today he came up with quite an elaborate story. He told me that there was a raccoon outside and that it was going to open the door and bite his toes and fingers. (At this point he points to his hand and says "right there, right there"). He then proceeded to prepare "raccoon snacks" which consisted of puzzle pieces in a bowl. He told me that he was "ready". When I looked out the window with him and told him that I couldn't see a raccoon, he informed me that it was because it was hiding. When the raccoon didn't show up he settled for feeding the "raccoon snacks" to Buzz.
Where does he come up with this stuff?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Last Couple Weeks

I haven't updated the blog recently because we haven't been doing much but being sick. And by "we" I mean Carter. Poor little guy.

Piper is growing so fast. She is turning out to be quite a beautiful happy baby!

The Longs came for a visit this weekend. It was very fun to have them here. We took them to Pikes, Theo Chocolate Factory, and Carkeek Park. Carter called them "This", "That" and "the kid".

What we do...well, mostly just what the kids do