Nana came for a short visit to help us do some projects and get ready for the baby. In the few short days that she was here we made curtains for nearly every room in the house and hung them up. We organized, rearranged, shopped, and decorated. It was pretty much a minor overhaul of my house. We Goldsmith ladies, we get things!
We have been getting ready for the arrival of baby girl. We have about two and half weeks left. For those who care or even know what it means, I am one centimeter dilated and 50% effaced. I am hanging in there. At this point I am just ready to meet the little gal, however I realize that it means the end of just Carter and me time and that makes me a little sad. He is going to be a great big brother. He already tries to give her his milk, via my belly button. He likes to pat her and hug her.
We have been getting ready for Christmas. I am trying to have all my Christmas shopping and such done by the first part of December. I think that I am going to make it.
I think that may be about it. We are staying busy. Carter is always busy. We have decided that he is bored with his toys. I have been trying to come up with new things for him to do. He loves doing the dishes. I will fill up the sink with water and give him several bowls and spoons and he will literally stand there for an hour on a chair "washin". He also loves "drummin" (notice the pattern here: everything ends in "i-n" including his new word "uppin" which is primarily used as a verb i.e. " I need to be uppin")